Interactive tool to help visualize the ATPCO Marketplace solution through illustration and UI design


The developer portal prototype was intended as a tool to showcase the new product concept in a presentation and help market it to stakeholders.

Additionally, since Marketplace would run apart from the main company website, they had wanted this design to reflect just the right amount of creative liberty—something a little different from the everyday ATPCO design style guidebook, but still intact enough to feel like it belonged to ATPCO.

A web of triangles often refer to interconnectivity and shared data points. We’d outsourced this gorgeous, night-club-meets-meditation motion-graphic of geometric blue and magenta surfaces to sit as the backdrop to the hero banner.

ATPCO airlines marketplace platform GIF visualization

After wrapping up work on the prototype of the developer portal, we directed our focus to this animated GIF as it was a significant piece of the project. The goal was to highlight the accessibility of data and services of participating airlines through the Marketplace platform. A hologram-like preview hint at respective airlines stored in the main platform, and as each airline passes through the system, built-in networks swiftly distribute that information to users through multiple channels.

A rough draft of the GIF is featured in the prototype design, posing as a simple placeholder (a clickable GIF in the presentation) demonstrating the concept behind the motion graphic. A few rounds of edits later, we’ve maintained the fundamental aspects of the concept while refining its visual presentation. Though I was not familiar with the isometric illustration style, ATPCO responded enthusiastically to the aesthetic.


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